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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 24-03-2013, 12:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi. I am currently a 3rd year banking and finance student. Unsure of what class of honours I will get, hopefully 1st or 2nd upper.( totally unsure as I am taking 5 papers this May)

Here is the thing, I have been applying for jobs such as analysts in various banks and stat boards but haven't even been called back for interviews yet. I have the ability to articulate and am quite confident of passing the interviews. BUT getting to the interview itself seems hard!

I have no banking experience at all, no internship and have just temp positions like admin role in finance dept after alevel.

The only advantage I have but have no idea how to put across to HR in my resume is that I have FIRST hand trading experience. I currently own a portfolio and it has been doing pretty well(appreciation and dividends wise). I had applied for a trainee position at SCB but the global abstract test result I guess wasnt good enough as they said application unsuccessful. Its like the first rejection and I dont feel too good.

Would anyone be able to help as to why I cant even get to the interview stage!
Your qualifications are probably blocking your way. I am a final year major in engineering and I have already went to interviews with 4 different banks (I failed all of them). =(

The fact is that you gotta realize there are simply too many business grads around even in the local unis. NUS+NTU+SMU+overseas probably add up to 2000. If you include engineering majors like myself, you can see how competitive it is for these positions. Most undergrads have internship in banks etc.
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