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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 23-03-2013, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the career you want? If it is for the hope that somehow you will get "real" banking jobs, then I say forget it, UOL pt degree is no hope even for local banks.

Stories about some small guy that make it big without a first class degree by entering through some admin BO function are largely urban legend. Every year there are scores of dissappointed fc honors from NUS/SMU who didn't get into the lucrative jobs, UOL chances are even slimmer.

Fact is UOL pt degree needs a lot of luck to even land a normal corporate finance job in MNC. You should invest ur time & effort down this route which has at least 30% chance success than waste precious time on some <1% success banking fantasy.
Hi, sorry going back to page 21 of this forum.
I do agree with what is said, many Fc students are only getting a normal finance job, and not some great job paying 4k-5k and above. My friend who is Fc, earns 6-8k because he is in the sales line and based on commission. But joining the bank sales, you dont necessarily need Fc, even a pass can land you the job, sometimes they even hire diploma holders, as long as you are "presentable/handsome/pretty" - This is the real world.

But in the current market, maybe you'll have to accept an even lower position/pay as hundreds of students are fighting for that few positions out there.
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