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  #229 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 01:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Default 4286

Insider and labrador, it's so obvious both of you are AOs. Before your heads hurt from the swelling, I'd like to remind you it's thanks to your well-crafted policies that we're the first country to crash into recession. With your "brains, aptitude, personality and guts", you designed far-sighted policies from your ivory towers that so far led to debacle after debacle whether directly or indirectly, from the MSK disappearance and the otherwise-excellent EMA pricing formula to the town councils' Lehman-linked but otherwise excellent investment performance and the public transport up-and-down pricing. You and your overpaid colleagues - yeah, we all know you hit $300k/yr at age 32 - can blame the lesser scholars at stat boards for poor execution, but with your excellent IQ and EQ, shouldn't you have the foresight and oversight to pre-empt failures at the bottom? I bet much of the humongous losses by GIC and Temasek can also be attributed to the highly sought after and always headhunted ex-AOs working as MDs in the 2 firms.
Yes, you better blame your political masters for the boohoos before they start blaming you when GRCs are lost.
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