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  #345 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2013, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
> due to minimial transferable skill set or unable to land a job with matching pay.

This alone explains that the pay is still extremely good. Everyone will say he holds the sh*ttiest job in the world, so we'll just have ignore these subjective claims and compare what's objectively comparable -- the pay!

Until the day when banks pay their staff just slightly above the average white collar wage, people from all walks of life will continue to think bankers are big fat cats who are overpaid for the work they do. Every kid will continue to aspire to work in a bank.

It's undeniable that banks pay the highest salaries.

I disagree that banks pay the highest salaries, as that maybe true only for the Heads/MDs range or front office staff (<5%) but quite definite not for the whole industry. If you compare to the stats boards or ministries, I would believe that their pay scale might have also surpass the Banks' benchmark already.

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