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  #2077 (permalink)  
Old 23-12-2012, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by aimhigh View Post
Originally Posted by thomas
2nd lower hons
industry: media
5.6k pm
feeling depressed after reading this thread!![/qoute]

You're feeling depressed because you're actually telling the truth, unlike 90% of the ********ters on this forum thread.
This is another defeatist mindset by aimhigh (irony considering his nick) I want to highlight.
When you and your surrounding friends are earning at a certain level and you see alot of people telling you astronomical salaries, you will find it hard to believe and then find excuses to say they are falsehood. How does that make you a better person? The more positive attitude would be to go out and find out how they achieve it.

Let me relate my own youthful ignorance.
1) When I was in Poly, a friend told me his friend (not singaporean) got his masters within 3yrs. I said that's not possible! But it's possible if you are doing it overseas last time. But in my mindset, i was only able to relate to the singapore context of 3yrs degree + 1 yr honours + 1 yr masters = 5yrs! Needless to say.. you know how foolish i felt looking back when i went thru my own masters overseas and found many who are like his friend.

2) When I was working, I was only earning $2k (1st job) and someone in his late 20s told me he is earning $10k. Again , I say! Don't ********! If I do all the 15% increment yearly blah blah blah.. you will only be earning <$10k by 29yrs old! Needless to say, the mindset was wrong, In my mind, i only thought he should be like me earning at my rate. However, there are many other industries out there where people are commensurated by their SALES results, not by TASKS oriented results. Of course.. that was foolish on hindsight..

3) When I was in my early 30s, I was earning $40k monthly(YES, MONTHLY Pure profit before taxes after loan+expenses) from being a landlord. I thought wow! I was rich man! But I still couldn't afford a ferrari outright without feeling the pain. So when I saw someone driving a ferrari, I say ..aiyah.. he must be paying installment thru' his nose to support that car. Later, I found out his income is $100k monthly from his small business (YES, Small business. You wouldn't want to find out how much SMEs are earning when his is consider micro).

Needless to say.. at my age of late 30s now.. I have grown wiser and not doubt people when they dare tell me their earnings. I would rather want to find out more about how they did it.

So you see...the morale of the story is ... There's always a higher mooutain to scale.. if you cannot scale that moutain, it does not mean someone else can't.

The Millionaire Mentor
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