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Old 08-12-2012, 09:39 PM
Tracker Tracker is offline
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Originally Posted by maverickz2009 View Post
"a stable job gives a stable income to support those dependent on you"?
Let's think harder, what if tomorrow or someday , no one wants to employ You anymore?
Who are You to blame? Blame the government , or blame Yourself for only know how to work under somebody forever, and job is only answer to earn money?

'Try doing the same while supporting a family with children and families to give money too then what?"
Now, think harder, what about if You were able to to build stable streams of income without having to work for people ( not mlm) and able to spend most of their time to see their children grow up and spend time with their family?

Think: If I am suddenly jobless, and no one wants me anymore, or I simply hate to work for people... how can I bring in the money? ( Not selling backside, not MlM).
What if the world end tomorrow? Lets not work at all you might as well say.

Majority of the middle income earners in Singapore typically make their money from the property (I'm one of them). Have you tried borrowing money from a bank to fund a property when you have no stable income?

For myself I've worked in corporate since I graduated, I used the money I made to fund my first property in 05 which was rented out, value was up 80% from purchase price which allowed me to leverage on the increased value in 2010 and buy 2 industrial properties which have gone up a further 60% on the original purchase price, interesting how banks are willing to lend more money when you add your rental income on top of your salaried income.

(all properties are now mortgaged below 50% of their estimated value)

Before I got married I had a good cash flow from rental income which meant I could quit anytime and sit back and cross legs even after making mortgage payments, now married and have obligations so have to be more prudent and take my work seriously.

No one ever said just because you have a stable job you cannot find other ways to improve your own lot. If a foreigner came and took my job today I'll find another job in another firm, if Singapore doesn't have it I'll find one in another country if need be. (Been there done that)

Not everyone is cut out to run their own business if that is what you are hinting. Unless your funding by generous friends or parents how else do you get your seed money to start a biz?

Btw before you start shooting me again I choose to work though I damn well not to, since I'm young and enjoy what I do why not? If the market crashes again I'll be in a more secure position and probably look to snap up more properties.

Last edited by Tracker; 08-12-2012 at 09:42 PM.
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