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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2012, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I believe the original post was from someone who is Not from Singapore. Why stay on if you so dread it? Is it really that bad comparing to Australia? Do you know many Foreign trained doctors spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to try to get registration and work in Australia and are left with mounting debts and finally have to pick up and leave?? Doctors here have no life either if you want to make enough money to pay for your cost of living!

Yes, cars are cheap in Australia, but NOTHING else is! Housing loans are averaging 7%!! Car loans average 5%. It can work out well if you come with a truck load of cash and not loan for anything. Personal income tax is 40-48%!! Do you know how POOR the average Australian is?? The average Australian lives from hand to mouth, week to week! A registrar without work for a week, will find it hard to make ends meet ... to the extent of not even being able to service his car, or top up his mobile phone credit!

People here do NOT put in their best. They do the minimum. So if you are a Righteous doctor, you end up having to do everything yourself, and are also subject to being bullied by the Local. Living in Australia is crazy! Rent is PER WEEK! A small suburban (this also means you have to drive easily 45 mins to an hour just to get to the city) 2 bedroom run down unit (yes, EVERYTHING is OLD and run down here!), will set you back easily $380 a week in rent.. that would work out to around SGD2.2k a month . And food .. one foodcourt lunch with a bottle of water would already set you back easily SGD17-20. 3 meals a day would set you back easily $60. You can forget about dining out.. eating out at a simple restaurant, would set you easily SGD45 (NO alcohol). EVERYTHING else is expensive. A female doctor can forget about having kids and returning to the workforce, because there is no one to help you with the child and the chores! Child care is $150 a DAY, from 7am to 5pm. There is NO WAY you can get help with them after 5pm. This means you can kiss your $200,000 medical school investment goodbye, or forever remain single! What work/life balance?

You say you have worked in 4 countries ... seriously???

also, please don't forget, the racism of the Aussies towards Asians.
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