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  #7586 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2024, 09:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I would say that if you can locum in 1-2 fixed clinics regularly rather than clinic hop, less chance of getting caught
But if the new MC legislation (requiring all MC to have MCR) comes into play, then tough
if i'm a full time locum, i'm gonna ask for more money liao since the pool of NSF, mopexer locuming gonna shrink
no $150 per hour no talk
busy clinic $200 per hour

I quit my ops job and full time locum le
8 hours per day = 1.6K
5 days 8 to 5 pm is 9K
4 week 36K

One year 432K
huat ah!

landed property here i come.
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