Forums - View Single Post - 31 yo private uni grad. Is there any way to recover this position?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2024, 04:59 PM
Posts: n/a

bro, a real troll wouldn't put in so much effort into creating an account and formatting his posts for people to **** on him... if he really is one, then hopefully the helpful replies will help others to browse this thread

just my two cents, seems like op is being very picky and worried about conversion in these programmes. thing is, i don't think you can afford to be picky at this point in time. if you only want to enter traineeships with a high conversion rate, then it's definitely more competitive - so why would they take you instead?

vttp gives you a chance to put a foot into the door in tech. if you are still unable to perform at the level of a fresh grad after the traineeship, why should they convert you and waste one ft spot as compared to taking a uni grad with 4y in cs?

there is always opportunity cost, so you could be doing something else and progressing in your career during the course of the traineeship. however, that is if you actually have something else to do.
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