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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2024, 01:03 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Not that it is wrong to ask questions since that’s the purpose of a forum but cumulatively from the content of posts you come across as expecting to be “spoonfed” with info which is not really the type of employee employers desire.

I am really hoping this thread can be closed at some point. Your responses just invite others to throw unpleasant comments at you which I’m sure you don’t welcome.

Please no need to respond to me. Don’t ask me any questions. I am not interested. You can wait for the OP of this post to reply.
Just to add to my two cents above (no thank yous, sorrys or further questions required). Also added back previous post from another user that I agree with.

This is something I learnt from my own job experience. Companies don’t exist for employees to add a name to their cv. This applies no matter the size of the company. They hire you, an additional headcount that cost rather than generate money (unless you’re in frontline sales), because they have certain expectations and they hope your skill sets can bring something to help them achieve those expectations. Not hire you so you can learn something from them by asking a trillion questions of everyone you come across at work. Only exceptional colleagues will entertain questions at the rapidfire rate you ask. I understand you are trying to learn but that’s not how it works in the real world especially after a certain age.

You can say it’s a virtuous cycle because those who have experience will be more and more headhunted by the best companies for their experience, while those who are struggling to pick up the desired experience can only choose what’s left. Well that’s the real world for you. This is not to say one cannot pick up useful experience and skills from smaller companies that are not MNCs. People skills - how to be the kind of worker your boss and colleagues like - and confidence is the same regardless whether you are working in F&B or tech.

Most roles are team based these days. If you come across as the sort who add to others job by giving them unnecessary questions to answer, before long you will develop a reputation at work for someone people don’t want to work with. Even if the boss liked you at first, if your teammates don’t like to work with you, unless you’re top performer the boss also won’t be keen to keep you.

Similarly, forum users come here to browse different threads and lepak, but this is not a job. Most here will also have their own struggles to upskill, earn enough to keep up with inflation etc. people expect that after answering you once or even twice, you can be independent enough to help yourself. This is the same whether on forum or at work. People here don’t exist to answer your repeated questions!

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
that's the impression you give. learn to work on that. otherwise 100% no company wants you and if you ever get into any team, 99% ur whole team will hate working with you.
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