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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2024, 11:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by xiaoyan View Post
Given your elaboration I can kind of understand your point about the difficulty of OOP. Can you share more about your experience with it in SWE, or more about what you had done in your career journey?

For instance, what did you do to get into popular tech companies? Was it prior to the 2022 hiring bubble? Did you need FCH to enter?

I am genuinely sorry for coming off as overconfident and disrespectful.
I am not the one who responded. But as a reader, you tend to make assumptions about the people who reply and then ask them back about those assumptions. It’s very tiresome to read even if I am not the OP. The OP of this post is making a comment about your work experience thus far. His view may or may not be justified. But it doesn’t seem like he is necessarily making a statement about his own work experience!

Next, I am not from tech but I am not aware FCH is required. But obviously, other than tech qualifications, other skill sets like finance or even accounting might come in useful - if the interviewee also has a likeable personality. All this has already been informed to you by previous posters.

Also, you tend to come across as asking things that you can find out yourself with some minimal effort. Do you have a LinkedIn account? You don’t have to connect with anyone. You can literally just browse public profiles from companies you’re interested in and see who they hire. You can find out a lot of the basic questions you ask this way.

Not that it is wrong to ask questions since that’s the purpose of a forum but cumulatively from the content of posts you come across as expecting to be “spoonfed” with info which is not really the type of employee employers desire.

I am really hoping this thread can be closed at some point. Your responses just invite others to throw unpleasant comments at you which I’m sure you don’t welcome.

Please no need to respond to me. Don’t ask me any questions. I am not interested. You can wait for the OP of this post to reply.
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