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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 29-06-2024, 06:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by xiaoyan View Post
OOP is relatively easy by comparison to the multitude of SWE concepts out there.

As a SWE, you should be familiar with the quantity and extent of Leetcode problems (dynamic programming, etc.) which are necessary prior even to interview considerarion in most tech MNCs. And that's not even considering slightly lower level stuff.

Can I clarify if you are disputing this?

For the record, I am not 'too good for the VTTP'! Apologies if I had given off the wrong vibe. I am disgusting, pathetic, absolute trash. Why is kind of why I cannot afford to be dragged down even further by more missteps.
Not the OP but this is pure nonsense lol

1. being a "SWE" isn't about knowing leetcode, no idea what gave you that impression, any moron can pick up python and grind LC, does that make them "SWE"? nope. only when you have an actual dev job then you're a "SWE". don't loosely throw titles like that pls, you don't have a tech job, you're not a "SWE" so step off your high horse.

2. Yaya you need to stop being cringe and go with the "fk I AM STUPID I AM USELESS" nonsense defense strategy everytime someone calls you out on your nonsense. just admit your mistakes and move on? why tf you need to constantly crap on yourself every time just to counter-argue?

imagine this

you: no, that's wrong, this is right
someone: nope, this is correct, here's proof
you: oh sorry i am disgusting, stupid, pathetic, you should step on me
someone: ??? simi lj?

that's the impression you give. learn to work on that. otherwise 100% no company wants you and if you ever get into any team, 99% ur whole team will hate working with you.
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