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Old 29-06-2024, 04:57 PM
xiaoyan xiaoyan is offline
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xiaoyan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Wait hold on, what makes you think you qualify for DBS SEED?
Thanks for the input! But it seems you might be slightly confused. I am the one raising the doubts as to my own eligibility. I said "don't I need to be a recent grad with 2y or less of working exp?" in response to the people who had previously suggested it.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You got lucky and qualified for Visa Traineeship, it's not a dead-end role, who told you that it's a dead-end role? Based on what facts? Also crazy how you can't even get any job and you think you're too good for visa's traineeship program, what a joke. They do convert people, who said they don't or that it's a low chance? 80% conversion rate out of a 120 intake is a pretty significant amount.
This is actually new information to me. Where did you find the information about 80% conversion rate?

What I have read online here and in other sources indicate a fairly low conversion rate. I personally know people who had gone through the program before, as well as full-timers inside who responded negatively about conversion prospects (indicating that Visa is undergoing extensive restructuring at the moment).

I am willing to take your input into account as well, where do your numbers for an 80% conversion rate out of a 120 intake come from?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Pretty pathetic. If you don't want to do the traineeship out of ego then don't, don't make up some nonsense about low conversion rate. ( no IDEA where you even got this info from )

Also OOP isn't a easy subject, there's a million tutorials out there because people can't seem to pick it up just by looking at 1 tutorial, the fact that you think it's "easy" tells me how inexperienced you are. Please don't become a SWE, you won't make it and we don't want you.
OOP is relatively easy by comparison to the multitude of SWE concepts out there.

As a SWE, you should be familiar with the quantity and extent of Leetcode problems (dynamic programming, etc.) which are necessary prior even to interview considerarion in most tech MNCs. And that's not even considering slightly lower level stuff.

Can I clarify if you are disputing this?

For the record, I am not 'too good for the VTTP'! Apologies if I had given off the wrong vibe. I am disgusting, pathetic, absolute trash. Why is kind of why I cannot afford to be dragged down even further by more missteps.

Last edited by xiaoyan; 29-06-2024 at 05:01 PM.
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