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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 29-06-2024, 02:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by xiaoyan View Post
Yeah, I am all over the place. I was looking at quant because it is a business-related and SWE adjacent role. To be honest I am lost and grasping at straws.

Could you give me some examples of people with private degrees who have done well with themselves? I have difficulty envisioning that after my own lackluster application process in 2019 and the dominant opinion of this forum.

At least the people viciously attacking private degree holders gives me some clue as to where my lack of worth comes from.
Well some of them are in self-employed industries like those finance roles you despise. Some start off as low ranking role in bank then work their way up. Obviously also depend on your performance. Performance includes things like having the confidence in your opinions which you present to your boss so your boss job is made easier.

But really, please start with such new day by speaking only positive words to yourself.

When you look in the mirror, try to like what you see. When you craft your job application, try to bring out good points. These may sound like general advise but the truth is the bigger the company, the more competition, however good your cv is, it all boils down to the shortlisting and interview process.

Your posts are full of negative words, as a reader no one even wants to cast a second glance at what you write.

Pls eliminate these words that put down yourself, frankly I haven’t seen other posters who seem to dislike themselves so much. As for those who criticise private degree, you really don’t have to bother about them. People who criticise others are usually insecure themselves. If you work on your own confidence over time it won’t affect you.
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