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Old 29-06-2024, 02:03 AM
xiaoyan xiaoyan is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
To the OP - suggest you have some focus and think what are your skill sets and what you enjoy doing based on your work experiences so far. You seem to be jumping from accountancy and marketing to SWE, quantitative finance, STEM, stats etc all in a single post. There are a lot of people with private degree who have done well with themselves. All the best.
Yeah, I am all over the place. I was looking at quant because it is a business-related and SWE adjacent role. To be honest I am lost and grasping at straws.

Could you give me some examples of people with private degrees who have done well with themselves? I have difficulty envisioning that after my own lackluster application process in 2019 and the dominant opinion of this forum.

At least the people viciously attacking private degree holders gives me some clue as to where my lack of worth comes from.
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