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Old 29-06-2024, 01:54 AM
xiaoyan xiaoyan is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Also Visa traineeship isn't that bad, it's 4.5k, I got a friend in it, the only thing is that it's very hard, they expect you to learn OOP within a week or something, not sure why do you plan to reject, you made that judgement based off 1 troll post?

If it was such a bad program, no one would join. Fact is that people join and convert to perm, same thing about the DBS SEED, people like to cry about how garbage it is yet do you know that their associate converted SEEDers make 6-7k after 2 years? pretty good amount imo, especially when you can't land anything else.
VTTP is a dead end role upon conversion (and an exceedingly low chance of conversion at that). It's not a troll post, he is right.

Besides, OOP is not difficult to learn, there are a million tutorials out there. Most actual devs (also ironic because VTTP doesn't convert to dev) are expected to learn tougher concepts than that.

I haven't checked out DBS seed yet but I'll take a look.
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