Forums - View Single Post - 31 yo private uni grad. Is there any way to recover this position?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 28-06-2024, 11:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This is the worst place to ask for any help, trust me on this. You want some real help? Connect with people on linkedin, look for mentor, look for discord groups etc. Places where people are held accountable for what they say.

Otherwise all you'll get is a bunch of morons telling you useless generic info like the dumbass above me, "oh no ur post gives me unpleasant vibes", ????? what the f am I reading? is this guy an actual dumbass? why does the vibe matter LMAO typical gen-z tiktok brainrot delusional dumbass. Either help OP or stfu.

Also Visa traineeship isn't that bad, it's 4.5k, I got a friend in it, the only thing is that it's very hard, they expect you to learn OOP within a week or something, not sure why do you plan to reject, you made that judgement based off 1 troll post?

If it was such a bad program, no one would join. Fact is that people join and convert to perm, same thing about the DBS SEED, people like to cry about how garbage it is yet do you know that their associate converted SEEDers make 6-7k after 2 years? pretty good amount imo, especially when you can't land anything else.
Even wonder why he does not want to post on Linkedin? It is likely he want to be anonymous. There is also nothing wrong with what the other post mentioned about been positive. It is a cruel world out there, people dont like to engage with negative vibe, and if you are giving out negative vibe, the interview likely can sense it too. So need to manage your mindset before even make the next big decision in your life.
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