Forums - View Single Post - 31 yo private uni grad. Is there any way to recover this position?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 28-06-2024, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by xiaoyan View Post
Sorry, can't edit the OP past 5 minutes; just wanted to update this section

What I'm considering:
It’s kinda difficult to understand what you’re saying but just from an overall impression:-

The job market is competitive and tough, and it applies even to degree holders from full time courses.

What I think you could do with is a huge dose of positivity. It comes across that you are fixated on certain kinds of jobs and are beside yourself due to lack of success in that direction thus far. Your post gives off unpleasant vibes.

If your writing comes across as unclear and full of negativity, you might come across that way in real life (ie. during interviews) as well. People don’t want to engage with such people. Redefine your concept of success and try to be more flexible in your job search.

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