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Old 28-06-2024, 03:45 PM
xiaoyan xiaoyan is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2024
Posts: 12
xiaoyan is on a distinguished road

Sorry, can't edit the OP past 5 minutes; just wanted to update this section

What I'm considering:
Applying for Local uni or masters to close the gap.
I was looking at Master of Science in Quantitative Finance (MQF) and BSC in SWE.
I understand that Civil Service (CS) or Multinational (MNC) mostly look at 4y degree and disregard masters, which is why I'm considering eliminating MQF altogether.
I am considering Statistics degrees as well.
I have no proximity to engineering topics and I feel like Stats/SWE would complement my accountancy/business diploma (although idk that even matters at this point).
Feel free to point out why if I am mistaken.

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