Forums - View Single Post - Job application form have you ever been detained by police in court of law
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 14-06-2024, 05:43 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I know someone who was arrested as a teen (under 16yo) for shoplifting. Went to court and was given probation. The probation officer told her that in future, she can indicate “no” on job applications if it asked whether she has been arrested / convicted of offence before.

This person went on to work in many hospitals as a nurse with no problem. Now already in her 40s…

Does police have her records? Probably yes but maybe it’s not easily available to HR. The only time she was really checked was when she tried to adopt a baby. MSF really cleaned her out and found her juvenile record. BUT she got police clearance done and passed in the adoption application.
Maybe it is fundamentally a question of how honest one wants to be. A lie is a lie and the cost of telling untruths is the risk of being found out one day.

Anyway after a few days of angst responding on this thread it seems dreamlander has finally taken the advice to move on. This is sensible because at some point people have to decide and move on.

Can I suggest we don’t revisit this topic cos if not the dilemma for dreamlander/friend continues. Some of the previous posts also not very nice . It’s also not really helpful to give examples of loophole because it may not apply successfully in dreamlander/friend case & then who will they blame if something goes wrong?
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