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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2024, 01:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by dreamlander View Post
I treat all my friends with respect, and the personal things that they choose to share with me with confidentiality. It is not a story for me to tell the whole world. Focusing on whether the friend is me or somebody else is pointless as it only takes away the focus of the thread discussion.
It’s true the focus is not on whether it’s really your friend or you.

But the number of posts and replies from you, whether on behalf of your friend or yourself, suggest your friend or you have already made up their mind. Which is not to declare and hope that hospital HR don’t have the resources to “compel”.

Don’t you get it it’s not really about whether they can check or not. Does the individual really feel good getting a job through untruthful job declaration? This time is hospital, what if next time it’s a job in some other organisation that does have the power to check extensively? What so difficult about being truthful and explaining what really happened, as some posters suggested? The key is whether that little dishonest lapse has been corrected after 15 years - or will it show up again given the chance. I would be wary if I were the HR coming across such a post from prospective employee on public forum!

If your friend or you actually already made up mind and hoping for some HR here to endorse, then you should also note that HR of different organisation have different resources, some outsource to external agency to conduct thorough check. So don’t expect a one size fits all answer!

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