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  #17281 (permalink)  
Old 27-05-2024, 12:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I don’t think manager role is as easy as it seems. They have to present to the client during AC meetings, plan budgets, find problems in the audit before you get kenna whacked by EP, and juggle a few engagements at the same time.

Some engagements are not so straightforward. If you don’t start from the bottom, you won’t know all the technical terms or how the audit is done. But of course, the A1 work may seem a bit easy for local university graduates.

In terms of mental endurance, not everyone has the ability to last until becoming a manager. Many will drop out in less than a year or so because of mental stress and burnout. Imagine having to work close to 90% of the year. the fact that someone can even make it to manager means that their endurance is above average. I think fresh grads can try for a year or so to see if they can even last through a few cycles of peak.
It's not easy. I'm a senior and I see the work my manager do also I don't want to stay already. It's technically challenging on top of all the project management. If you ask me all the changes in standards, reporting requirements, details about FRS, I won't even know it by heart well enough to pinpoint issues from just looking.

Shitposting about our bosses is fun but let's acknowledge that not everyone can be an audit manager.

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