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  #17142 (permalink)  
Old 25-05-2024, 03:58 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Nah vouching work isn’t the issue.

It’s the compensation, hours, and prospects

1) Compensation - starting salaries in other industries is higher. Their peers are earning more, going on holidays, posting on IG. It’s social media era now, everyone wants to compare.

2) Hours - Gen Z thinks this working to peak hours is just nonsense and won’t stand for it. I have juniors that asked me whether we are all sheep, how is it that no one in history of B4 has ever complained to MOM when asked to work such long hours.

3) Prospects - Internally, as A1, they see their SA1s still slogging and can easily imagine that to be their future selves. They don’t want a future like this for themselves. Externally, the exit opportunities into a cushy job isn’t as attractive when you have to still slog for 3 years and pass SCAQ.

4) In the past we say “just tahan for 3 years only”, but now they want “holy god have to slog for a WHOLE THREE years”. People are more impatient and crave instant gratification while Big4 model has always been delayed gratification. Doesn’t work anymore.
1) Yes, back then, there were still many batchmates going to the Big 4, so the comparison is not that bad.
2) Touch your heart, confirm you searched the MOM website before. But we are bloody not covered. The law doesn’t protect us, lmao.
3) Yeah, in recent years, the exit opportunities have been very good even after slogging for 3 years.
4) Enduring works if it’s for good prospects, but what if you are enduring for nothing? Going back to point 3.

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