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  #2177 (permalink)  
Old 19-05-2024, 12:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Seem like two posters mention sinking ship. Well we dunno why they said that and I certainly don’t agree w sinking ship either, but comment has to be seen in context of the rest of post, which is not totally invalid. Talk to more people beyond your immediate groups and you will find different views; not everything is rosy for everyone in the same org, it is too simplistic to say all unhappy people are bad apples and should be forced out one way or other so the status quo we are used to can prevail.

My hope for MAS is that some day in the future, the better ones can improve whatever is lacking in corporate culture: psyche safety is one, and I see reluctance to onboard different views in the face of a more dominant opinion as another.

1, Co-create spaces where there can be candid, constructive dialogue between higher ups and staff, so any aggrieved employees can feel safe to be heard in real life. 2, Don’t be too quick to finger others as the ones who need change. Be willing to recognise your own blind spots and where you have contributed to the root of a wrong situation. 3, Top down, defensive approaches are not the way to go as they do nothing to build mutual respect.

Yes, probably this is no different from what other offices are like but I expected way far more of MAS. When the above utopian wishlist has materialised, it will naturally follow that people find less need to come to a forum to air views they can’t do so in the office.
Yeap applaud your comment. Not all who leave are bad eggs. I have seen very good ones leave, and they move onto to places like GovTech, top FIs and even Google. If they are such bad eggs as the poster insinuate, then surely these companies would think twice about hiring them?

On the contrary, what i hear from them when they leave, is due to really bad egg bosses, and bad egg colleagues, who seem be here forever
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