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  #2159 (permalink)  
Old 13-05-2024, 11:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I take a leaf from both sides. While it is true that MAS will be around as long as Singapore is around, it doesnt mean that one cannot pick its flaws. Guys like u who are more pro this place and possibly likely one who says what your boss wants to hear, definitely will sing the praises of this place. The issue are those who grow a spine and dare to disagree w the boss, resulting in getting sideline,is why our guy here is saying sinking ship.

Tbh, it has a bad culture, whereby relationships come before facts first; if u have a good relationship w your boss, then only are you entitled to have your veiews heard. This is wrong really. What if your boss wants to do shady things? Would u still agree for the sake of your promotion? Or disagree? I believe the prevalent of the former is what leads to people perceiving this as a "sinking ship". Because yeah its almost rotten to the core already....
Neither pro nor against, just neutral. This is as while I have met a few very bad people who stained my image of here and let down my expectations of working here, we cannot don’t recognize many genuine good people doing good work. So its not fair to those good people working hard to make whatever difference they can to the culture and all those other not so good things identified by staff.

Guess the poster not clear what they meant “sinking ship”. If you mean a organisation that’s gonna fail, no not in my view. If somewhere where not people first choice employer, well.. debatable.

“Shady things”, Im sure you know the way to highlight concerns officially is HR or the whistleblower thingy. Well some will think going down that route spells the end of your career if your boss(es) finds out it you. But still alluding to shady things here do nothing but make your boss(es) jump up and down angrily if they read this
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