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  #11289 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2024, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Thanks to the veteran HOD for sharing his/her thoughts.

Let me share mine. I am a HOD too, teaching for slightly over a decade.

1. HOD can’t teach. Yes and no. I have seen HOD who can’t even manage a class. Likewise, this is the same for teachers and even STs. There are some who make me wonder if they have entered the wrong profession. There are also very skillful teachers who refuse to step up to become a KP. Being a HOD does not necessarily mean that he/she has the best content knowledge, but it cannot be half past six for sure.

2. Teachers are poor role model. Yes and no. I have witnessed ugly behaviour of teachers and KPs who reflect themselves as terrible beings. Stealing credit, being hostile, taking MC to siam camps and duties, not marking work etc. on the other hand, there are also very dedicated ones who give their very best in all that they do. But are the latter always recognised for their effort? No. The hard truth is, SLs might not necessarily have a very clear idea of who is doing what, except for those who have gone overboard in the game of MC. This is especially so for KPs who do mediocre work but are able to put up such great shows to create false impressions that they are capable and contributing to the fraternity. Time will tell, sometimes not fast even for the dedicated group to lose hopes in the leaders.

3. Promotion. I chase after it, I am exceptionally upset when I did not get promoted. To make it worst, I saw those jia liao bee getting the recognition which they do not deserve. My batch mates who are scholars climbing real fast while I continue to farm. What can I do? Nothing. While my SLs claimed that promotion is entirely based on performance and HR, I am very certain that they can make it work if they are willing to. Slowly, I just learnt to suck it up and focus on doing what I need to. When it comes, it comes. I take performance grade as a consolation. At the very least, my contributions are seen.

4. Work life balance. I have hectic periods, where I sleep very little, trying to juggle between department work, programmes and marking. But I do have periods where I go home when the bell goes. It does not speak the same for all. I have seen teachers who stay till 6pm daily because they are simply inefficient and distracted (watching shows when marking and hibernating in the pantry), or they are too meticulous in marking work and giving feedback. Can you give 100%? Sure. But would a 90% kill or make you any less of a good teacher, maybe not. So fight the right battle. There is a whole world beyond school and teaching. Let us not shortchange ourselves while not shortchanging the kids too.
Agreed. Finally a fair picture of the reality on the ground.
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