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  #11185 (permalink)  
Old 22-04-2024, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I beg to differ. There is something INHERENTLY wrong with chasing for recognition as an EDUCATOR. Thats how you get toxic culture in many schools with people being calculative in wanting to be KPs and when they are KPs dumb work down on reportees and taking credit.

Those who want to chasing for recognition could consider insurance, banking where quarterly awards are announced etc.

The effect of what we do daily for our kids have effects on them for the long-term
I'm not the one who made the post you're responding to, but the kind of expectation you have that teachers should not expect the be appropriately recognised for the impact they create is illogical. Some kinds of work may be seen as being more 'noble' than others (e.g. social work, health work, etc) but it is still work at the end of the day. Yes, the heart for service is non negotiable and passion will keep one's motivation going, but an honest day's work deserves an honest day's wage. You can't eat passion, and your heart for service alone won't feed your family.

Teachers should seek to be recognised and remunerated for the making an impact (not just hard work). This is exactly how it is in any other industry, noble or otherwise. I don't get what aspect of this you don't understand. Of course this should not be intentionally done at the expense of others. But you seem to believe that all teachers should put their heads down, slave away just for a warm fuzzy feeling in the heart. To seek anything more makes one an evil venomous snake. That is a dangerous narrative and really undermines the hard work teachers really put in even though it has all the trappings of a morally superior position on the surface.

So teachers, please don't shy away from claiming credit where it is fairly due. You deserve it for all the heart and soul you pour into your work for your students' sakes.
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