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  #820 (permalink)  
Old 21-04-2024, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sounds scary.

Does toxic colleague have managerial responsibilities? Or you’re saying “whistleblower” was trying to “expose” toxic colleague practices? What role did toxic colleague and director play in the managing out, and what technique did they use? Is it accuse of “underperforming” through use of “targets” that are impossible to meet if it’s already decided that your presence in the organisation is no longer wanted?

Talk bad within same organisation still can understand. There are those ultra manipulative who not satisfied even after leaving no way for whistleblower but to leave. Eg. Sabotage reference either directly (using HR) and/or indirectly (smearing through spreading gossip to as wide audience as possible - sometimes not even getting their own hands dirty but using their subordinates or higher ups to do it - so that when people ask through informal networks all the hearsay will be repeated whether balanced or not).

This creates a seemingly never ending conflict because as long as you don’t allow people to move on and continue to make them feel like they were unjustly and unfairly treated, you cannot be surprised if they too have their own ways of responding.

Sad but true. I feel disappointed such people are still holding positions of responsibility or are promoted. I thought such practices only exist in private sector. Caveat: I am not from HTX.

She was already due for promotion but after the consistent backstabbing, she could only get C despite evidently doing 2 to 3 times the amount of work and contributions. Yes there is plentiful amount of smearing in both directions. Even across departments because she had attempted to transfer to escape the toxicity but it was already smeared long ago.
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