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  #1923 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-2024, 09:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Private sector cannot have 3 hour lunches and hour long kopi breaks and leave work early hehe. Free money!!
If this is true and it really bugs you, can’t you tell someone in real life so they can do something about it? Though those people can always claim they are leaving early to fetch kids then continue working remotely.

Actually private sector also has flexible working arrangements. The main difference is there are client needs and other business demands means there is always time pressure to deliver output.

Unlike certain places we know where they can take as long as they deem necessary to deliberate, ask countless questions, write and rewrite report, prepare and redo presentation that is a summary of that report, possibly repeat the above process more than once. Some of these deliberative processes can take 1-3 years or more before the output is finally ready.

But when it is time to give others timeline to respond, the turnover expected is short.

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