Originally Posted by Unregistered
Yes, my question was indeed about ROI.
Fair enough, had he/she studied local, then ok - parents spent $35-50K locally and perhaps even on a local bank loan or supplemented by a CPF loan, so if the OP doesn’t want to work for money then so be it
But if his/her parents had sent him/her overseas, esp when his/her A levels results are subpar and couldn’t make it to local in the first place- then it’s the parents who ultimately suffer isn’t it
Guys I think you all have been misled
This was my original post
Nowhere did I say he was a failure - all I asked was whether he studied local or overseas and later on, what type of in-house gig he found
I’m not being facetious, they’re really are a lot of in house work, and some are borderline paralegal work; liaise with external counsel to help pay for trademark registration etc, you know?