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  #5360 (permalink)  
Old 31-03-2024, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
asking for fellow preggy friend. is it normal for pregnant staff who went on ML to get performance grade D? with grade D, it's like the management totally don't recognize the contributions and hardwork that the staff has done over the past 7 months, is this fair to pregnant staff and anyway could they appeal for at least c- grade? who can they send their appeals to when management doesn't seem to help?
Correct me if I am wrong, what I understand is that it is not easy to grade someone a D. The direct boss will have lots of explanations to provide to HR to justify why this staff was given a "D.", this includes what actions the boss did when first noticed the problem (staff) and what was the follow up by the unsatisfactory staff which eventually lead to the "D". That's why previously no matter how my colleagues take advantage of the system and underperforming, they still get a C, at least, because the boss doesn't want to waste the energy to explain to HR.

If your friend has solid evidence to prove her case, she may report to higher up.

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