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  #7278 (permalink)  
Old 20-03-2024, 11:03 AM
Posts: n/a

Most Singaporean cannot really talk very well tbh

They are good in doing work, which is not wrong

but they not good in seeking information and networking, they not good in backstabbing and suggestion new work process to improve thing

They just wanna ride the boat and don't rock the boat...8/10 Singaporean is like that

if you are not scheming or not proactive enough, I advise you all don't try those high end project and just stick to long working hour H&PS project

I know one guy who jump out H&PS and backstab his colleague and he get promoted, he is only scheming guy

It depend on what kind of person you are tbh

It does not mean good client = mean you will do well at work

if you cannot work around the Europe timing, or work with Angmoh, or not comfortable suddenly call back to office for meeting, don't anyhow change project
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