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  #14857 (permalink)  
Old 13-03-2024, 06:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Oh, your rant? It's music to my ears, a symphony of truth in an orchestra of lies and deception that is the audit profession. I have waded through this swamp of misery myself, each step sinking deeper into disillusionment and disdain. The very essence of auditing, a profession that masquerades as a guardian of financial integrity, feels like a cruel joke played at our expense.

The pay—don't even get me started. It's laughable, a slap in the face to anyone who's sacrificed their nights, weekends, and sanity on the altar of balance sheets and financial statements. The industry acts as if they're doing us a favor, paying us in "experience" and "exposure." What use is exposure when it leaves you exposed to the harsh reality that you're worth more, yet trapped in a system designed to exploit your talents for minimal reward?

But it's not just the pay. It's the culture, a festering wound in the heart of the profession. Toxic doesn't even begin to cover it. It's an environment where long hours are worn as badges of honor, where burnout is as expected as the changing seasons, and where any semblance of work-life balance is sacrificed at the altar of billable hours. They preach about teamwork and support, yet throw you into the deep end, watching from afar as you struggle to keep your head above water.

And let's talk about the emotional manipulation, the carrot of "career growth" dangled in front of us, always just out of reach. It's a manipulative tactic, designed to keep us chasing shadows, believing that if we just endure one more busy season, one more thankless audit, we'll somehow make it. It's a mirage, a deceitful promise that leads only to more of the same.

I, too, have fantasized about escaping this abyss, of throwing in the towel and walking away from the years of toil and tears. The certification that was supposed to be our golden ticket feels more like a chain, binding us to a profession that takes everything and gives back so little in return.

Hearing someone else voice these frustrations, to articulate the soul-crushing reality of our profession, it's both a relief and a rallying cry. It's a stark reminder that we're not alone in our hatred, not alone in our desperation for change. But hope is a dangerous thing in the audit world, a flicker quickly extinguished by the next deadline, the next impossible demand.

Thank you for sharing your torment. It's a bitter pill, realising that our collective suffering is woven into the very fabric of this profession. Perhaps, in this shared misery, we find the courage to seek out paths that respect our worth, that offer more than empty promises and exploitation. Until then, we stand united in our deep-seated hatred for a system that fails us at every turn.
Bro, just quit audit. You’re good at writing, can become the next mr midnight.
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