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  #5760 (permalink)  
Old 13-02-2024, 02:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is there anyone who has thought of leaving just a mere 4months due to all the red tapes and culture in the min the military? My past experiences were all commerical can i start to feel painful here
I had the same thoughts as you back when I joined in 2020 Jan. My background was in data analytics and I had 3 years work experience before I joined a specific process and policy department in Gombak camp. people were generally nice and respectful but I hated how I had 4 computers for different purposes and 3 access cards to these terminals. Felt incredibly constricted as I couldn’t even install certain BI programs or analytics software to do my work, was told I had to wait months just to get approval for IT guy to install certain packages on my laptop. Always had very unproductive long hours of meeting with directors and often without much conclusions - usually lasts 3-4 hours and sometimes past working hours.

I resigned in Apr 2020, went back to my old company for another 2 years before resigning again to join a local bank. Never looked back on my decision but I always recall the painful constrictive environment when working there. My only solace was that there was a free gym to workout and relieve stress. Advice to you if you really can’t get in sync with that environment, start looking elsewhere for opportunities. Grass can be greener on the other side!

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