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  #9888 (permalink)  
Old 22-12-2023, 10:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Don't move the goalpost please I was asked to provide an example of affordable bto that's not two room or three room and I did what I was challenged to do.

I provided the example and now suddenly it's "wHAt If It's SomEonE who LiVes iN tHe EaSt Side???"

And then I'm accused of cherry picking. Let's face it la, you all are not going to change your mind because you've already convinced yourselves that you are victims of life.

You all need to stop creating what if scenarios as a gotcha to prove someone wrong. It's really terrible logic because there's always counter what if scenarios.

1.what if they don't have kids?
2. What if they want to get as far away as they can from their parents?
3. What if one set of parents stay in the West and the other in the East.
4. What if the spouse works in the West?
5. What if they prefer the quietness of the west compared to the sheer number of people in the East?

We work with the facts, and the fact is that for non mature estates, a 4rm flat is extremely affordable for a teacher couple. Yes, it will not work for 100% of Singaporeans because everyone has unique needs. But you cannot create a policy that will meet all of everyone's needs all the time.

Actually, this kinda explains why the vast majority of you don't progress in your careers. Instead of stepping back and taking a big picture look you all are just looking to undermine everything just because you think you are entitled to something.
Yes. Should just close down all the schools in the mature estates

Or deploy only old teachers who are residents of mature estates to staff schools in mature estates

Young teachers should all be posted to schools in non-mature estates

Then no more complaints about unaffordable cost of living, right?
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