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  #6689 (permalink)  
Old 28-11-2023, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Ops not easy lei
40 to 50 patients a day at least
Patient complex and you burn your soul if u want to manage them well
Even simple hypertension now got to do ptech, healthier sg
Then confirm will have itchy skin or knee pain
Then tell u going Taiwan want standby meds

Complex one needless to say
Do 1 already sian
Sometimes I gung-ho in fcfp mood go dig and dig
Zzz. Dig a hole jump in and die there.

Hours on paper is 8 to 5
But that 8 to 5 u working and working
Go home is brain fried liao

My wife say u dun need call , regular hours , 6pm u watching Netflix liao
Why u so lazy!
Why cannot help me.
Little does she know.

Saturday worse
Collect lots of question come and ask u
Buay paiseh one.
I hate Saturdays. Work morning but Sian till evening. Like a fully day work
Clinic then somehow always go hire those lazy locums maybe becuSe who want to work on Saturdays right?
Got 1 in my clinic one sat morning see 10 patient.
Piang ey. Other pple tank her load. Sibei jialat

Sometimes I want to act like a lousy doctor but feel damn guilty
But explain everything swee sweet end up I burnout

Gp life easier la. Urti, msk, skin, simple chronic.
If 250k annual package is true.
Take it man
4 years is 1 million liao.
Say u are 30 years old
Dun go wack 2 million condo
Stay 500k hdb
By 50 u can FIRE liao
Invest properly u likely have 5 million in stocks by 50
Even 4 percent yield gives 200k dividend
Every week chin chye locum 2 days 8k a month
Can go for long holidays
Rest of week can do what u want
Can have a fulfilling 30 years before u die.

Burnout is real no matter what.
Full time clinican? Die as above
Leadership? Manage pple u die also. Clinic load dying u also need to help
Research? Lagi worse. Publish or perish
Education? 轮不到你。
You FCFP one ah. I MMed only.

It's true la. OPS patients really sian. It's like pay for Hotel 81 but expect Capella.

Wanna do proper medicine like MMed/FCFP means killing yourself only. After all, complexity doesn't factor into your KPI, it's how many you see per hour. In a sense, no different from private GP, so why not see just as many but only ARI/MSK/Derm?

That said 8-5 and 24 days AL is hard to beat elsewhere. But agree Sat really sucks balls. Who decided that we still need to work 5.5 days when everyone else is 5 day week liao.

End of the day, choose your poison lo.

Like everyone else, I encourage you all to stay away from primary care. Waste your time only. The local system doesn't actually reward you being a proper family physician. OPS doesn't give you enough time, and in private... Well, if you don't antibiotics your URTI then how to keep clinic going? No money and patient buay song.
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