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  #9627 (permalink)  
Old 19-11-2023, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
To add on to this solution list:
HODs' books and files MUST be checked, just like how the Subject and Level Heads' books and files are checked. Even if their books and files are not checked, the SLs MUST be curious and ask their HODs in how they lead their trs in teaching practices. Not fairy airy stuff too.. really sound PCK to build rigour and understanding in students. Ask your HODs to show samples of their students' work or Dep PD slides. Nowadays, HODs check trs' books and files but no feedback was given. Yet, the HOD can be given MOE awards. Does it mean when one is on leadership role, the teaching is of lowest priority? One parent shared that her child lost interest and confidence in the subject which was taught by the HOD, resulting in a drop in results. As teachers, who can we feedback to?

SLs shoukd remind their HODs not be biased. Senior Teachers should not be HODs pets. STs should drive pedagogy and assessments in school throughout the year, and not busybody with programmes. Think about how to uplift the bottom and share hpw should the enhanced 21cc should be enacted in classrooms. Role model how to build in rigour in teaching since there is only one final year exam. Cluster sharing is just one-time and the lesson plan and resources are not even shared in dep drive. HODs should encourage their STs to open the classrooms more regularly.
Same scenario in my school. HOD talk only, can show or suggest nothing concrete but want to see this and that in the teachers' lessons. How to execute those, HOD cannot respond. Same with book checks. If HODs know what they want to see, why not role model, show or share examples of their own work, invite some peers to observe how to enact this and that and not just say "You're doing it wrong. I can do this and that in my classroom", show it!
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