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  #6604 (permalink)  
Old 18-11-2023, 01:28 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The funny/intriguing thing about FM is that the passing rate for fcfp is higher than mmed, which is higher than gdfm.
Gdfm only has a pass rate of 40% (even lower than mmed) despite being the easiest exam of all
Is like higher you go, higher chance of passing lol
Pls la.
Gdfm shouldn't even be open to young mo.
Pgy2 go take already
Only hospital experience.
How to even pass? These guys had not even had a day of outpAtient experience
Hospital DM management is in crisis
Outpatient DM is a diff ball game.

Funny thing is these pple go out open GP clinic and become your family doctor liao

Tats why standard of primary care in sg v bad

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