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  #6595 (permalink)  
Old 17-11-2023, 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
1 in 2 or 3 is actually considered quite competitive liao
Although how many really first choice I dunno
Worldwide FM always got left over spots
In sg it's actually competitive.

Dunno why everyone rushing into FM
Whatever garment push, always go the other way and u can't be wrong
I old school
Go FM is become doctor for the family
Chit chat with patient, know them and help them navigate their life
In ops see 50 plus patient a day
I also dunno what I'm doing after patient 25 tbh
Patient wants to know more.
I want explain more
System don't let me
Sometimes I just tell them I dunno
I just a dumb polyclinic doctor, I not smart specialist.

On reflections I feel I let patient down.
But I give them my time, I let myself down.
Who is gonna pick up my child when infant care close?
Boss say I slow , not a team player, give me poor rating where I buy milk powder?

Think one fine day after I earn enuff
Just find a ulu clinic with cheap rent
One day see 20 patient can feed my family can liao.

Or maybe become locum
No liability
Anyhow see also 100 an hour.

Lately lots of newspaper forum post on healthier sg
All questioning cost of private healthcare
Then blame why ops no spots despite healthier sg

I really think rich people has no business coming to ops
They should really raise the prices
Ops is too cheap.
Ops should be chas based
Blue tier 14.2 like current
Orange 21
Green 28
No chas 40
Pr 60
Foreigner 80
I empathize with you. Demands on Fam Med have increased. But budgets for Primary Care have not moved much. Patients are also different nowadays.
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