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  #11997 (permalink)  
Old 15-11-2023, 08:00 AM
Leo xin ting
Posts: n/a

Im from ntu. And i agree that im as good as tokatsu uni. Please dont say me anymore it will make me angry i study so hard

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
It is a combination of several factors, the accountancy intake across university levels has decreased in general because accounting is no longer viewed as a good profession (boring, long hours, **** pay whatever), that itself has lowered the bar to get into accounting. And this is probably not limited to just SG, but worldwide. Which is why the quality across the board is just free falling. To fill the gaps even the Big4 is resorting to hiring from even the Tan Ah Gao LLP as well which has historically never happened.

Even with the bar lowered, if you are a fresh grad from NTU, and your intake got people from Tonkatsu Ramen univeristy as some of you have pointed out, and knowing that you are drawing the same salary, you will feel like your already diluted degree just got diluted even further. Therefore anybody worth their salt is bailing asap and those left behind are the true **** tier aside from the select few who really want to gun for partnership.

Even then, those with enough foresight will also bail because who the hell wants to be captain of a sinking ship.

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