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  #9483 (permalink)  
Old 28-10-2023, 10:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is it in student leadership that a school is looking for?
Anyone in student leadership care to share some insights and the interview process?
Was in SL Comm before. Did not have a choice was given to me. Being a new BT i just accepted it. Slogged for a good 5 years in it.

Let me paint the realistic picture for you:
A lot of events to run = yes (orientation, ceremonies, camps, trainings etc)
A lot of events = a lot of trainings and rehearsals = a lot of time burnt which you can use to do marking, go home earlier etc
Need to meet students constantly to check on their work/progress
Student leaders got problem = You will be summoned + have to deal with it
Was it fun and rewarding = Yes
Was it visible = more to your cock ups, less to your successes
Does it help in career = Yes and No - depends on what type of portfolio you are looking for. Non IP would be better (become year head etc.). Honestly, no one really cares that much once you move on. No point competing with the high CEP people
Was it worth it = not really, can chill and do as well in other committees and progress as fast
Rating = 6/10

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