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  #9464 (permalink)  
Old 21-10-2023, 10:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Would appreciate some advice on my situation. My RO hinted to me that I should aim to be an HOD as a possible career goal. Currently I am GEO5 but am not holding any SH positions
I know that if I want to climb I will need to leave the school because the leadership here is very static.

I really like the school that I'm at, it has a pretty good leadership and staff culture which I am not sure that I can find elsewhere. So for me it's having to decide between leaving for leadership opportunities in a different school which may be worse than where I am right now. Or just staying here and accepting that I may not be able to rise despite what my RO says.
A wise HOD once told me, if you want to climb and improve, try not to be too comfortable where you are, it will hamper your growth as you will just repeat the same comfortable things and routines you are doing.

If i were you, i will either apply to go HQ or to another school (but don’t go in as a teacher, apply for SH minimally as you are already GEO5). Can consider cross deployment as well. Need to find the opportunity. Sure the next place you go might be crap but that really depends on your luck and what good you make out of it. You can stay in your school but there will not be progression unless a new P comes in to clean house or KPs move on. Even worse your school mergers and there is even a greater abundance of KPs. Most of us are not scholars with things handed on a plate so we need to find ways out. Alternatively, just be a HOT GEO5, relax, do minimum but don’t disadvantage your kids and go and do other stuff outside
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