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  #976 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2023, 08:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sorry to hear that you were being ridiculed during the interview. But it's true. Everyone, whether it's gov, private, academia, is ridiculing IMDA.

I ever attended a networking event on blockchain. 2 of the many topics that were discussed were on regulatory frameworks and talent. The topics were somehow converged and the speaker joked how IMDA itself lacked the expertise yet wants to have a say in it and commented that more than 60% of the staff have quit.

Everybody just laughed while I kept quiet because I was afraid people might know I used to work at this garbage dump.
Reminds me of a convo I overheard that PDPC's AI Advisory Guidelines was just repeating things that people already know, and got nothing new inside so not important to read. This was at a large conference where an IMDA Director emphasised to a big roomful of audience that it was her IMDA team that drafted the Guidelines, not PDPC 😅

I thought it was already kinda embarrassing that people say your Guidelines got nothing much inside. Then add on the Director talking like got turf war between IMDA and PDPC... malu sia.
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