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  #922 (permalink)  
Old 30-09-2023, 11:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I thought it is compulsory for ALL govt agencies to hire Singaporeans only? HR not doing due diligence in screening candidates leh. Which hiring dept in imda has the audacity to flout rules and hire PRs?
Not true - different roles in ministries and statutory boards require different levels of security clearance, and being a citizen isn't a requirement for non-sensitive roles. That said, I haven't come across a non-citizen in a ministry, though I could be wrong.

I actually have come across PRs in IMDA, and while I've got no issue with them and accept that they could have been hired for their skills/experience, what did puzzle me is that I work closely with a dept which deals with sensitive areas, and while the PR colleague doesn't have access to secure e-mail, he's actually responsible/aware of quite a bit of the content which goes *into* sensitive material. Even if the PR colleague doesn't get to see the sensitive document, it doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out what the work he's doing is going towards.

In this particular example, I also don't see that any special skills are required - the job is largely info-gathering and processing, so not sure why they couldn't get a Sinkie, knowing that it would ultimately touch on sensitive areas.

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