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  #871 (permalink)  
Old 25-09-2023, 12:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default IMDA Secondment BAD, Transfer as Perm…WORST CASE

IMDA accepts imbecile ppl into the org, for whatever reasons.

And these are ppl at least know some IT, tech, or something, but these are people just trying to please these bosses. There are many examples of such people in IMDA, and they are useless, and they just work their subordinates to the bones.
For e.g. SS who has been mentioned, SS headed construction tech, but SS know nuts about Construction in Singapore.

IMDA HR…. That’s the worst…. They are there to get bonuses. Give them hard time, ask to have their supervisor to be involved EVERYTIME. There is no use to talk to the HR personnel assigned to you, ask for the his/ her RO, even better, get the Director or CEO… That’s how USELESS IMDA HR is

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