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  #11592 (permalink)  
Old 19-09-2023, 10:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Bro, I got bad news for you.

When you find yourself saying things like “back when I” or “back in my day” or “during my time”

It’s a sign you are old and outdated. You may be feeling a disconnect to the current reality and trying to live in denial that times have changed.

No point talking about the past already la.
even if they are a fresh grad, they would have only chosen their course just 4 years ago. it's actually quite sad how it used to be TURF and now it's suddenly SURF

that's why i always tell my interns to take analytics or comp sci on the side instead of doing 100% accounting. at least they still have a chance to change while those of us graduated these 2 years can't do much

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