Originally Posted by Unregistered
Agree. why fm sc gets lesser compensation than subspec sc
And they havent make fm sab yet
Govt shld do something abt it
Firstly make fm sab
Secondly revoke the right of gp to practise independently
Unless they practise under supervision of fcfps
Mmed also not enough. Mmed can be service registrar or rp level
Only fcfps can call themselves true fm
Then each case rp or mmed see already, need to be cleared by fcfps
Did you even take FCFP?
The curriculum is quite irrelevant to the actual practice of FM in the community.
It’s quite specific to probably those practicing in CH or the most MDT in OPS.
There’s nothing “true” about “true FM”.
Some fellows are not even worthy of the title.
Anyways, all these doesn’t change the fact that FP / GP will forever be the lowest paid.
That is just how life is. Generalists will always earn less than specialists.
No point complaining about the pay. If you want do something different then strike it out and try something different.