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  #771 (permalink)  
Old 23-08-2023, 07:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
"KICKED back"? From what I heard, he tendered his resignation but was offered a position by HR, and reluctantly accepted it to give it a final shot. Also hear that he's started a biz now and is doing quite well for himself. Anyway, anywhere is better than this shithole excuse of a company.

By the way, what are you smoking and what makes you think you can come onto a forum and give false statements. Are you JK? If you are, please read all the posts and reflect on what you have done, instead of being so paranoid and thinking that there is only one person who has suffered under you and is posting about your misdeeds (I know this might help you sleep better at night, but trust me, there are many many ppl who hate your guts).

(Source: I report to a Director who was at odds with JK (there are quite a few of them so I guess my identity is safe), and had lunch with said scholar several times, once after he returned from his secondment. My Director also bitched to me often about this JK and the **** that she pulled at meetings with CE, some of which I have witnessed for myself. And my Director actually used to be quite close to this JK but fell out with her later after being frontstabbed and backstabbed by her multiple times.)
what did your director bitched about JK and what **** did JK pulled?

we are all curious to know haha

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