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  #9189 (permalink)  
Old 18-08-2023, 05:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yup teachers are people who are the least exposed to the outside working world. Hence they focus on what they see as the wonderful things in the world out there. In some ways, teachers are just as naive as the kids the teach.
Hence as a HOT teacher, I am just grateful that we are insulated from the outside world. Yes, maybe bonus gone...but hey, during the pandemic, we didn't get pay cuts like the private sector did. Yes, the superscale people got paycuts...but still...we are pretty much insulated.

People from the private sector that i spoke to, are usually worried that a war or some disaster somewhere can affect supply/demand/supply chain and in turn affect their rice bowl. For teachers, we wake up every day and think about our school/classroom. Not that it is less stressful, but at least we are almost guaranteed to bring home the dough, such that most of us don't think too much about money or when salary is coming...because we know it IS coming/here.

There is much to be thankful for even as a HOT teacher...IF your work environment doesn't drive you mad.
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