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  #708 (permalink)  
Old 16-08-2023, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
wow, so many new and nasty anecdotes about this JK, surprised the thread been quiet about JK before. Yeah heard she went over to that side and of course a leopard can hide but never changes its spots. some ppl who know some ppl say that she is also causing a lot of problems over there by spoiling market with her toxic behavior and ppl not happy w her alr.. very sad when lousy bosses bring their lousy culture with them and pollute new environments, spreading toxicity and infecting new hosts. but hopefully where she went is not like here where such behavior is promulgated, maybe the ppl/culture strong enough to resist and disable this kind of rotten, toxic shenanigans.

Also, after reading the anecdotes i feel so bad for the staff under her. Hope those who suffered under her moved on to better, happier pastures. Don't know why some bosses are so insecure about other staff and resort to such despicable behavior like verbally abusing staff, overloading them with work and holding back promotions? I guess empty vessels make the most noise.

yes, my advice is that if you are now under June Koh in Tote Board or wherever, it is best for your career to cut your losses and move on to find another job if you value your sanity, family time and career progression. trust me... nothing good comes from working under her. the ppl who are left in her dept or who are still ok with working under her or worse still, support her and speak up for her are those who are toxic, spineless, wayang and incompetent just like her (though there are others who are simply keeping quiet under her but hate the air she breathes). ppl who survive her bs and leave for greener pastures usually do find greener pastures where they are valued more and paid their worth. i feel sorry for those of you who do not want to venture out of your comfort zone despite being tortured by her on a daily basis - take my advice and leave. you will not look back on this decision with regret. it will be the best thing you can do for your career.
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